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Death was born in the first instant that the cosmos came into being and will be the very last thing to survive unto its final ending. She is not a god for gods are subject even to her regardless of what myth they tell about being external. She is the personification of endings and change can only occur because of her existence. To explain what she is; is to diminish her to nothing but some dry phenomenon easy to dismiss. But is not an enemy to life. Far from it not the tragedy that often attends her very presence. But she gives comfort to those who suffer. For she is peace. Not the external peace that some would imagine true enough.

They say the dead tell no stories. This is not true. Every dead or dying person has a story to tell. And she is the one they tell them to. She is full of stories. And she is a conductor as well. Their bodies are insubstantial. Creations of thought projected onto the akashic plane of the spiritual dimension.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • DeathSirens1509
    : Death itself can liberate the soul or spirit of a living being but generally leaves this task to the various beings of the afterlife. Because Death is the embodiment of all death, every lost soul belongs to it, so the agent of passage is irrelevant. Death can also reverse that passage and return a being to life, but that rarely happens. Death itself cannot die, since it is not truly alive; the basic laws of the universe would have to change to erase death.
  • Immortality: Death can choose to ignore certain beings, possibly as a mark of respect for their ability to survive. Other beings with the proper knowledge, can challenge Death directly; by succeeding at this challenge, they become immune to true death.
  • Power Cosmic: Unlimited ability to manipulate reality, time, space, matter, energy, or magic for any purpose. It rarely uses this power, however, possibly because it does not wish to upset the balance of the cosmic entities, which could endanger itself.
  • Soothing Appearance: If Death manifests itself to a mortal being in its final moments, it may take the form of a loved one.

Strength level[]

