Jim Bader Fanon Wiki

Faith Spencer is a Slayer who was activated when Kendra Young died at the hands of Drusilla.


Born in Boston, Massachusetts, Faith had a difficult upbringing and life, which left her with various trust and emotional issues. Though she found some stability with her Watcher, Faith retreated to Sunnydale when they were brutally murdered by the vampire Kakistos, where she became a friend and ally of Buffy Summers and the Scooby Gang. However, numerous events and circumstances took a toll on Faith's sanity and she defected to the side of the evil Mayor Wilkins, helping him to carry out his Ascension and finally finding the stable father figure she always wanted. On the day before the climactic Graduation Day Battle, Faith was critically injured by Buffy and put in a coma, from which she awakened eight months later.

She proceeded to wreak even more havoc in Buffy's life and then attempt to assassinate Angel in Los Angeles as part of a deal with Wolfram & Hart. However this was a ruse by Faith in order to get Angel to kill her as Faith had actually become remorseful of her past deeds and wanted to end her life. Nevertheless, with help from Angel, she came to terms with her past and willingly surrendered herself to the L.A.P.D. to face the consequences of her actions.

While in prison Faith made a lot of enemies bullies and thugs for the most part. This eventually caused her to be ambushed in the showers by some of her fellow prisoners, the ones who had the strongest reason not to like her. Faith managed to take most of them out, all except Bertha, who shoved her head halfway down a urinal drowning her. Luckily somebody called the guard in with time enough to get the paramedics. Faith was technically dead for eight minutes before they were able to revive her. The Guard after being assured that Faith was going to testify against Bertha and not take the law into her own hand she went to talk to the warden about getting her some protection. This left Faith to come to grips with the ramifications of what just happened.
