Jim Bader Fanon Wiki

The Fair folk are a variety of thought-form elemental that comes into being as a reflection of the emotions and thoughts of those whose innocence has not yet been shaded.


They are not fully-souled beings such as but are a type of life form that are both intelligent and self-reflective, and yet so keenly attuned to the elemental force lines of the world that one could starve them off merely by inhibiting their food source. Which are natural growing things, such as trees, plants, grass and other foliage. Fairies walk in harmony with nature their existence may be partially caused by sentient life-forms such as but they depend upon the harnessed power of plant-generated Prana to survive. Unfortunately the tendency of people to cut down forests and replace them with urban jungles has greatly diminished their numbers back on Earth, though a few do still manage to eke out a bare subsistence level existence by blending in with the artificial ecosystem of concrete and plaster cities.

Faries are very sensitive about the beliefs of people, which is only natural since our cast-off-thoughts partially empower their existence. To deny them their reality is to diminish their number in the world, and not all Faries are nice and decent sorts who tolerate that sort of behavior. Quite a number who are of the dark cast have even been known to prey upon humans and cause them great mischief.
